Products & Services

3-Month 1:1 Design Executive Coaching Package
This option is for a bi-weekly 45-minute session with Wendy Castleman, to meet 1:1 (virtually) and to get coaching/mentorship/thought partnership. You will lead the way in initiating what we will discuss or do. This is intended to focus on one specific topic area for improvement. It includes a self-assessment, bi-weekly 1:1 coaching sessions, and supporting materials (as needed).

quick bite thought-partner 1-year subscription
My thought partner sessions are an “as you need it” offering where you can meet with me for 15 minutes to pick Wendy’s brain on whatever you want to. You can meet with me as many times as you’d like in a year (schedule permitting, I take holidays and weekends, and am on Pacific Time schedule). You can schedule 24-hours in advance and provide me context around what you are looking to talk about in writing, so I can review it ahead of time and make our time more focused. This isn't coaching, it might be mentorship, but it is certainly advice and ideation. The great thing about this subscription is that you only pay the flat fee once a year, but you can have as many quick bite sessions as you want in a year.